8 simple ways to keep motivated

Whether it’s working from home, maintaining a workout or dieting, keeping yourself motivated can sometimes be really tough.

After recently leaving a full time job and now working for myself, a new routine has brought a relaxed feel to my day. That might sound nice but I am learning to keep myself and my business(and blog) on track.

I also starting my new diet back in June too so with all these new ventures, I have learnt that no matter what dreams you have, there are some simple exercises you can do to keep yourself motivated and on track.


I previously worked from my own office when I owned a PR company(Carrot top PR), but now I work from home it can lead to Pyjama days, not leaving the house and wanting sugary treats. I did start off a little on the lazy side but by following these tips, my new goals and yours too, can be achieved a lot more easily:

  • Make a list – It’s a simple thing but it can give you tasks to complete each day or by the end of the week
  • Inspiration – Whether you want to loose weight, maintain your blog or start up a new hobby, keep some inspirational images and ideas close by to always remind you of what you could achieve
  • Diary – It’s key if you want to set goals for yourself and even record things you have accomplished already
  • A note pad – Record all your ideas, hopes and ambitions to help get your new goals off the ground


It’s great to be motivated but keeping on top of your goals can easily be affected by lack of sleep, life changes and any other commitments you may have.

Maybe these can help:

  • Take a walk – If you are stuck for ideas or just need a change of space, a 10 minute walk around the block can do you wonders
  • Fitness – It is sometimes hard to get into a workout routine but funny enough, it’s great for brainstorming ideas and you get fit at the same time
  • Inspiration – Whether you are writing a book or need some ideas for a new blog post, have a look at past accomplishments by some of your idols to give you that motivation and inspiration
  • Document – Record what you have done so far as it will show you how far you have come and will help push you on further to exceed your goals

I hope some of these tips help you achieve your destiny!

Don’t forget, always keep your chin up and use these ideas to give your life that happy and inspiring boost.

I would love to hear of any motivational ideas you have tried and tested too.  Please comment below.

Images captured by Amy.

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About Bunnipunch

A platform for inspiration

Online since 2010

I started Bunnipunch with the aim of creating a space where I could write about Fashion and style but it soon developed into a lifestyle platform where I reviewed travel destinations, new brands launching, press events, new movie releases and more. 

My emails are always open if you fancy a chat, want to collaborate or even want to give your feedback. 

Welcome to Bunnipunch and enjoy ❤️