A stay with Ibis Styles in Liverpool #captureibisstyles

#Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015#Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015#Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 Myself and a group of bloggers were invited to Liverpool to experience Ibis Styles and take part in their #captureibisstyles campaign. I have stayed in an Ibis before so it was nice to stay in their one of their Style’s venues and as we were in Liverpool, there was a Beatles theme to each and every aspect of the hotel. Lucky for me Annie was also attending this event so it was nice to catch up with her and keep each other going as we were both pretty tired from London Fashion Week. After I arrived at the Hotel, Me and Annie had just enough time to grab a coffee before we both run upstairs to change for the evenings proceedings.#Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015As all our rooms were Beatle-themed, I was staying in the Yesterday room and I loved how understated yet very chic it was. I wasn’t sure at first about the layout but since seeing all the other rooms, I prefered Yesterday’s style and also size and feel.  After I finished getting ready I headed down to our dinner and couldn’t wait to sample the food from cooks at Ibis Styles. #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015#Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015#Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015#Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 As the hotel is a fairly affordable, I wasn’t expecting the food to be as AMAZING as it was! As none of us had sampled the menu before, we were able to try everything and anything the hotel could provide. With Mini Chocolate puddings, Steak and delicious chips, chicken salads and fish burgers, there was tons to try and I was suitable stuffed at the end! The Quality of the food was truly tasty and moreish and was presented beautifully by the staff and chefs of the hotel.  With drinks on tap and great conversation and company, it wasn’t long before we needed to say our good nights and head up to bed.

When I got into my room, I did find playing around with the air-con and heater a little hard at first but once I worked it out, I left the heating on for the night and climbed into my nice clean bed.

As Ibis create their own mattress, my night’s sleep was utter bliss and it was hard getting myself up the next day.  There was no noise at all during the night and it was lovely to catch up on some Fashion Week shut eye.

Once I was up, I enjoyed their amazing shower with soft white towels, backed my overnight bag and headed down to breakfast! The hotel had lots of options including cereal, yogurt, pancakes, toast, fruit and more, there was again lots to eat and great quality and service was there as always.

Once we finished up our breakie we prepared to start taking part in #captureibisstyles competition.

The name of the game was to pop onto a tour bus and be given certain hot spots where the bloggers would have to capture things in Liverpool on their Instagram and share them with their followers! As there were prizes up for grabs, we all got a little competitive but it was all fun and was a great way for us to chat to other and another.

Our first task was to capture the hotel and these are the pictures I came up with! I really wanted to be invented and also have some fun so hopefully I have portrayed that here!#Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015Once the first task was finished we hopped on the tour bus and had a little journey around Liverpool! The tour guide was really informative about the architecture and sights and it was great to see Liverpool as I had never been before. We had 3 stops to do and with our phones at the ready, we all started running around and snapping fanatically to win the prizes! #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015 #Captureibisstyles in Liverpool with Bunnipunch 2015Once we had finished at the 3 stops, we headed back to the hotel to finish the last leg of the #captureibisstyles competition.  One task was to take a picture of the furniture that we wanted to win(these were labelled in the lobby), posted the pic onto Instagram and encourage people to like it. Fingers crossed for me as I really want to win this amazing table so pleased give me a like on instagram if you haven’t already! (This competition ends soon so please help me out!)

What is even better about the #Captureibisstyles is that YOU can enter to win one of these cool furniture pieces too!  Simply check back here on the 13th March and you could win something cool and kooky that is also featured in Ibis Styles hotels!

Once the last competition was over, the Ibis team went away and worked out the winners of all the tasks!

And guess what? I won! I was really surprised to I win the best invented pictures for task one and then I also won the second Task over all for the most likes!. It was lovely to win and I got to take home a very cute Dog lamp and also won a night’s stay in Ibis Styles in Kensington. I couldn’t wait to show my husband the lamp as he loves dogs and the stay in Kensington is going to be amazing too as we both love West London so much!

I would like to thank Ibis for putting me for the night and also for feeding me way too much good food!! I had a great time and it was fun and really nice to meet more bloggers from around the country.

Images By Lois Spencer-Tracey

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About Bunnipunch

A platform for inspiration

Online since 2010

I started Bunnipunch with the aim of creating a space where I could write about Fashion and style but it soon developed into a lifestyle platform where I reviewed travel destinations, new brands launching, press events, new movie releases and more. 

My emails are always open if you fancy a chat, want to collaborate or even want to give your feedback. 

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