Bohemian Del Boy

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I love showcasing a new outfit and this one that I wore one sunny Sunday is a massive fav of mine.

It all started when I first saw this coat on ASOS and I have been wearing it ever since! Now in the sale for only £51 it’s a great find and has that real Del Boy inspiration and reminds me of a sheepskin flying jacket my dad used to wear too! It’s so warm and comfy and it’s great at keeping out this bitter cold breeze we have at present.

As a statement coat needs a statement look, this jumper is the perfect example of that. Available from Nobody’s Child, I love the ‘Always Late’ slogan as I never used to be on time! I’m thankfully a little better at being on time now but when I saw this sweater, I knew it had to be have it. Made with a soft cotton and available grey maul, I love it’s oversized cut and for only £15, it’s a bargain that must be had!

Last up, I had to show you these amazing boots I just got from Missguided! They really caught my eye recently and with their velvet look and stars they look totally bohemian! They are really wearable too with a comfortable heel and I adore how they look with this outfit here!

Coat – ASOS

Jumper – Nobody’s Child

Jeans – George at Asda

Boots – Missguided

Bag – Accessorize

Sunglasses – Police

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About Bunnipunch

A platform for inspiration

Online since 2010

I started Bunnipunch with the aim of creating a space where I could write about Fashion and style but it soon developed into a lifestyle platform where I reviewed travel destinations, new brands launching, press events, new movie releases and more. 

My emails are always open if you fancy a chat, want to collaborate or even want to give your feedback. 

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