Proporta saved me at Glastonbury

proporta charger bunnipunchproporta charger bunnipunchproporta charger bunnipunchWe have all been there, where we have a manic day ahead, three more meeting to get to and your iphone is on 20% battery. This used to happen to me on a regular basis and because my phone is a business and social network tool in one, it’s hard to not use the battery. So as Glastonbury started to loom ever closer, I kept thinking, how the hell am I going to make my iphone last 4 days in a farm, in the middle of nowhere? Well Thank goodness that Proporta was there to come to my aid.

Proporta is a website that carries everything from iphone covers, to speakers and cases for your beloved phones and they also have this baby, the USB TurboCharger. All you have to do is charge up this emergency battery(for about 4-5 hours) and you are ready to rock! I charged this device in full and it helped make my iphone 4 last for 4 days. My husband also used it to charge his Samsung as it comes with lots of different adaptors so it more than performed to the task of keeping me fully juiced. It also comes with a cool little carry-case so you can easily slip it in your bag and have it with you if you think you will need some extra charge while you are out and about.

I know the price of £54.99 maybe a little scary but believe me, this emergency battery is worth its weight in gold and if you like me, love your social network sites and need to check your emails, this will be a life saver.

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A platform for inspiration

Online since 2010

I started Bunnipunch with the aim of creating a space where I could write about Fashion and style but it soon developed into a lifestyle platform where I reviewed travel destinations, new brands launching, press events, new movie releases and more. 

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