How to make the most of a small bathroom

Our bathroom at home is small. Not just a little small but cupboard size small. As our house is a 2 up, 2 down terrace, built in 1901, it is of modest size but yet is full of character and history. As our whole place needs renovating and decorating, the bathroom is the first room […]

Accessory ideas for your home

Accessories for the home I think, are key to making you feel warm, fuzzy and comfortable.  As me and Gary have only been in our new home for a year, we still have tons decorating and replacing windows to do so I think accessories are great for making you feel like you are getting somewhere. […]

Re-venting the word ‘Bed’

Apparently mankind are great at inventing. Now I don’t know whether me and Gary are good at inventing but we do pride ourselves at looking at something and working out how we can make it better. This way of thinking has been invaluable for us as we are currently doing up our house and it’s a pretty […]

Inspiration ideas for any loft conversion

As I am now married and potentially grown up(that’s very debatable), the next step for me and the husband is to buy a house. We have been saving for a while and with a fairly nice deposit, we are taking the plunge this year and buying our first nest together.  We are both pretty creative […]

Sweet Dreams…..

Bed time is really important to me. I think the older you get, the more you want your bed and now I am in my thirties, I find myself dreaming of long lie-in’s and hugs with my husband. If you love your bed as much as me then good quality products that are cozy and […]